Eyewitness 2014 S01-E02

Info Tv:

Eyewitness 2014 - Season 01 Episode 02

Deux adolescents assistent malgré eux à un quadruple homicide. Craignant que leur relation amoureuse ne soit dévoilée, ils s’abstiennent de dire ce qu’ils ont vu. Débute alors une enquête haletante dans la plus pure tradition du thriller nordique,more...

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mini-Series, Thriller
Diffusé: Oct 27, 2014
Résumé: In Oslo, a bomb devastated a restaurant run by Hamit Milonkovic, a gang member of the Z. Her daughter Zana, locked up by him in the building during the explosion, managed to escape. Via Internet chat, the girl comes into contact with the killer of the sandpit. In the forest, Henning realizes that themore...In Oslo, a bomb devastated a restaurant run by Hamit Milonkovic, a gang member of the Z. Her daughter Zana, locked up by him in the building during the explosion, managed to escape. Via Internet chat, the girl comes into contact with the killer of the sandpit. In the forest, Henning realizes that the murder weapon is visible at the bottom of the water hole where he threw it.

Note: 9
Eyewitness 2014
Séries > SD
Media Info:
  Propriété Valeur
Global Type de format AVI
Bitrate 877 bps
Vidéo Durée 58mn 20s
Format MPEG-4 Visual
Codec XVID
Width x Height 720x406
Aspect 16:9
Framerate 25.0000 fps
Librairie XviD 64
Audio Format MPEG Audio
Mode Joint stereo
Bitrate Mode Constant
Bitrate 128 Kbps
Canaux 2 channels
Sample Rate 44.1 KHz
618.66 MB (100%)
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